November 10, 2012


This week we finished the didactic unit on "The five senses", and we already started with the food topic. You can find an attached  link to a simple online book to review the five senses with the kids at home.

Esta semana hemos acabado la unidad didáctica sobre los cinco sentidos, y comenzamos ya con los alimentos. Os adjuntamos un link a un sencillo libro online para repasar los cinco sentidos con los niños en casa.

November 9, 2012


"There was an old lady who swallowed a fly" is a famous and funny English story-song that we have begun to learn in class. We wachted the video with the song and Tineke told us the story. We attached one version of the song so you can sing and enjoy it at home.

“There was an old lady who swallowed a fly” es una famosa y divertida canción-historia inglesa que hemos comenzado a aprender en clase. Hemos visto el video con la canción y Tineke nos ha contado la historia. Os dejamos una de las versiones de la canción para que la disfrutéis y la cantéis en casa.

November 1, 2012


Last Thursday, 31st of October, Berta, the witch, visited us at school. We had a nice storytelling activity, with two stories: "Sopa de Calabaza" and  "Room on the Broom", which is a Berta's adventure. Berta told us things about witches and gave us sweets to celebrate Halloween. Children enjoyed her visit, were a bit scared, , laughed a lot ... and taught Berta a lot of things. Here there is the video with the story of Berta, and some photos of the activity.

El pasado jueves, 31 de Octubre, nos visitó Berta, la bruja. Nos contó dos cuentos: "Sopa de Calabaza" y "Room on the Broom", una de las aventuras de Berta. Berta nos contó cosas de brujas y nos dio caramelos para celebrar Halloween. Los niños difrutaron con su visita, se asustaron un poco, se rieron mucho... y le enseñaron a Berta un montón de cosas.  Aquí tenéis el video con la historia de Berta, y algunas fotos de la actividad.